ambient rock
Albums scraped2021-12-06T08:11:08.480Z
Last updated2022-02-11T18:17:39.305Z
Released at
64Ash Ra Tempel - Seven Up1972
6Holger Czukay - Movies1979
62Holger Czukay - On The Way To The Peak Of Normal1981
14Cocteau Twins - Tiny Dynamine1985-10
37David Sylvian - Gone To Earth1986-09
57Lycia - A Day in the Stark Corner1993
78Spiritualized - Pure Phase1995-03-28
44Dog Bite - the owls and eyes1995-09-23
77John McLaughlin - Molom1995
74Arcana - Arc Of The Testimony1997
80David Sylvian - Dead Bees on a Cake1999-03-29
20Cerberus Shoal - Homb1999-11-15
65Pharaoh Overlord - #12000-12
11A Beautiful Machine - Home2000
12Labradford - fixed::context2000
63A Beautiful Machine - Solar Winds, White Noise, Antigravity2000
97A Beautiful Machine - Solar Variants2000
82Loren Mazzacane Connors - The Departing Of A Dream Vol. III: Juliet2004-05-04
67Bark Psychosis - Codename: Dustsucker2004-07-26
29Youthmovie Soundtrack Strategies - Hurrah! Another Year, Surely This One Will Be Better Than the Last; the Inexorable March of Progress Will Lead Us All to Happiness2004-08-16
25The Octopus Project - One Ten Hundred Thousand Million2005-01-25
69Antimatter - Planetary Confinement2005-07-25
43Souls Vibrating In The Universe - All These Worlds Are Yours2005-09-26
58Dornenreich - Hexenwind2005-11-18
72Herzog - this time we're infinite2006-01-30
83Muhmood - soБЫТИЕ (evENT)2006-02-16
33Aidan Baker - Dog Fox Gone to Ground2006-04
70Dave Harnetty - Return to Fu2006-08-31
61Sunn O))) & Boris - Altar2006-10-31
18Dilatazione - Too Emotional For Maths2006
60The Late Virginia Summers - tlvs2006
31Lymbyc Systym - Love Your Abuser2007-01-23
40Aidan Baker - Green & Cold2007-02-09
89Low - Drums and Guns2007-03-20
9Erik Mongrain - Fates2007-06
66Canartic - bouncing radar beams off the moon2007-07-01
92Tangerine Dream - Tangents Box2007-10-08
30Adam Gnade & Youthmovies - Honey Slides2007
39Synthesia - Rain of Light2007
99Ashtray Navigations - Deadicated to the Sensory Armada2007
19it may never end - Such Is Life2008-01
38Atlas Sound - How I Escaped the Prison of Fractals2008-02-14
76Youthmovies - Good Nature2008-03-17
91auger shell - holdstill ocean2008-05-13
79Muhmood - Naked Loneliness2008-07-09
88Youthmovies - Polyp EP2008-11-03
13City of Satellites - The Spook2008-11-25
17The Tumbled Sea - Songs by The Tumbled Sea2008-11-28
68Muhmood - Presence.[exe]2008
53Teeth of the Sea - Orphaned By the Ocean2009-01-19
28Dotåbåtå - Cloudburst2009-02-22
1Devin Townsend Project - Ki2009-05-22
41Arctic Plateau - On a Sad Sunny Day2009-06-12
93Oh Yes, By All Means - Dinner Ballad2009-07-13
73The Lights Galaxia - Global EP2009-10-13
24Dopedrone - Contact Book2009-10-31
87Sanchez is driven by demons - robot replicas2009
98Weird Ribs - Tubes2010-01-04
42Anomalous - All Needles Point North2010-05-00
35Buckethead - Captain Eo's Voyage2010-10-20
46Atlas Sound - 12/31/09 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA2010-11-23
84Indrama - Timescapes2010
23phantom icicles - PiTCH2011-01-16
16Puffin on My Side - Lech-Lecha2011-01-19
51Mamiffer - Mare Decendrii2011-03-22
45Vinyl Williams - Naked Sanctuary2011
85Wacky Southern Current - In a Realm of Uncertain Summer2011
55Testet ölt - Untitled2012-01-29
75Bisamråtta - Bisamråtta (LP)2012-08-05
4Jodis - Black Curtain2012-11-00
561476 - The Nightside EP2012-12-13
94Joywcs - MOONSHINE2012-12-29
48Srkp - Absurding OST2012
49Srkp - Satan And His Army EP2012
90We Came From The North - Demos2013-01-24
7Falling Up - Hours2013-02-19
95Anomalous - Dusk of the Great Dawn2013-03-00
32Nult - asil liseli2013-04-19
86Híbrida, Nen i Cavall - Permafrost2013-04-19
100Híbrida, Nen i Cavall - Pedralbes2013-04-19
52Volkan - volkan2013-05-00
34Mendelson - Mendelson2013-05-06
2David Lynch - The Big Dream2013-07-12
47Juseph - Novae2013
27Tides of Man - Young And Courageous2014-02-13
81Difleger - Rebirth2014-04-07
71Soulsonic - Things That Connect Us2014-05-26
3Foxes in Fiction - Ontario Gothic2014-09-23
54Templeton - Templeton2014
22Code I - The Ending That We Dream Of2015-03-20
10Stafrænn Hákon - Eternal Horse2015-10-02
36Code I - Hope For The Departed2015
50Jet Plane - Pipe Dream2016-11-10
8Signal From Europa - Dusty Monuments2016
21Lockerbie - [BadPanda065] Lockerbie2016
15Do Make Say Think - Stubborn Persistent Illusions2017-05-19
26Youthmovies - Live at All Tomorrows Parties 20072017-09-17
59Magna Carta Cartel - The Demon King2018-09-21
96Ecovillage - beko_802020-02-07
5The Echelon Effect - Drift Ten2020-02-28